Friday, January 29, 2010

Migraine Causes More Condition_symptoms What Is The Difference Between A Regular Head Ache And A Migraine And What Causes A Migraine?

What is the difference between a regular head ache and a migraine and what causes a migraine? - migraine causes more condition_symptoms

I was thinking on a regular basis, I headaches. I will tylenal, Advil, Aleve, either, but it did not. Sometimes it feels like it is no longer ..... It is a question that is not unbearable, but you know it there, and sometimes your head massage.


john d said...

I have some good information here.

shopping... said...

This is a. Government Site ... good reading. Check it out! ...

drwag1 said...

The two most common types of headaches and migraines are headaches, muscle. Muscle pain are also known as "tension" headaches known and usually causes pain in the scalp, neck, and sometimes even the temples. Massage or pressure can affect these headaches. Poor posture, fatigue, tension and stress can worse the headache.
Migraine is caused by a spasm of blood vessels that supply the head and brain. In general, migraine side head injuries, often accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to light, and shine some people experience flashes of light or the eyes. Migraines can be triggered by certain foods - cheese, wine, chocolate, too much sugar and can be associated with the menstrual cycle in combination. The pain of migraine is usually heavier than tension headaches, migraine, but may be considered "defective" if the patient is sleeping.

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