Monday, January 18, 2010

Viral Infection Of The Liver Pancreatic Cancer = Liver Lesions?

Pancreatic cancer = Liver lesions? - viral infection of the liver

My mother has survived pancreatic cancer back in 2007. She's been in remission since surgery in December '07. She goes every 3 months for an MRI to make sure there is nothing new. In January, it went with flying colors. Tuesday was in the next 3 months MRI yesterday and said they have 2 lesions in the liver was a 1 cm and the other 1.6 cm.

My question is: What are the chances that something like today, after everything was clear? It was a terrible viral infection in February, and I read online that injuries can be caused by a viral infection, but do not know until we get done quickly, a PET scan.

Is it an increased risk of cancer is because with pancreatic cancer? She had a Whipple once was the area where she has done her pancreas removed, are infected, a part of the stomach, intestine, biliary tract and gallbladder /. They took biopsies of his lymph nodes to see whether he had cancer and 24 thatand has 3 contained a long series of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.


Flapore said...

The honest answer to your question is that could cause liver damage, cancer. I guess the MRI ruled that it can be simple cysts? They were there all the time but was about 1 ½ years to become large enough to be visible in MRI. Probably given before they are resistant to chemotherapy. A major risk factor (apart from the fact that he is) pancreatic cancer, only 3 lymph node metastases from accommodated. But that does not mean that no other treatment options. I am not informed enough to tell you exactly what the treatment options, but it is a debate that is with your oncologist (if the injuries prove) metastases.

Ilovemyk... said...

It could well be cancer or something else that I know its hard not to worry, but do not try until you achieve positive results back.Stay! You can also check on the liver biopsy according results.Its terrible that someone go over them, and sometimes the wait can be more difficult, wishes part.Best ~

Ilovemyk... said...

It could well be cancer or something else that I know its hard not to worry, but do not try until you achieve positive results back.Stay! You can also check on the liver biopsy according results.Its terrible that someone go over them, and sometimes the wait can be more difficult, wishes part.Best ~

Mike S said...

You should read more about pancreatic cancer.

inverse_... said...

I can not say the symbol, but the people for many years after the treatment can go without symptoms and no signs of cancer. Then find one day that he is back.

This does not mean that's what happens with the MIL. This means that it can be done, try to mentally prepare for this eventuality. Pancreatic cancer is the liver, then the situation is very serious. This could be a new primary cancer, however, or some other cause. These are all alternatives.

Try not to worry too much until the PET. That will probably clarify the situation much better. If you are a cancer, there is no indication on the PET hypermetabolic. When else can the points no longer show binding.

Good luck to your family.

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